Big read, but gives a good perspective.

I think theres three big stories of this coming election.

  1. The rebalancing of metro v regional votes.
  2. Liberals progress clawing back traditional Liberal seats could indicate how satisfied West Australians are with WA Labor.
  3. Independent Challengers in western suburbs could indicate dissatisfaction with both majors for different and complicated reasons.
  • NathMA
    1 month ago

    Interesting to read this. He is basically saying he doesn’t think it’s possible for Labor to lose the election.

    Even if the Liberal and National parties recover every seat lost in 2021, Labor would still be in office with its commanding majority from 2017.

    That’s a fairly good point - and I think he’s also saying this is unlikely. Particularly when he gets to the seats near the Ellenbrook line later.

    I don’t want Basil Zempilas to be member for Churchlands; I’d much rather see Sean L’Estrange return. Basil hasn’t been a good lord mayor, he relies entirely on his newsreader personality to come over as knowledgeable on matters, when in reality none of that was original content for him. He actually comes over as arrogant and completely out of touch, instead. His treatment of that women’s refuge house in East Perth in particular was awful - even if he was right about their contract being up. Zero empathy or sensitivity until it made the news. I find it hilarious that he attempted a run at party leadership without even holding a seat. You just know that he’ll try again if he wins.

    If by some miracle Christine Tonkin retains the seat, it will really knock the Libs for six. It’s long past time that all parties stopped taking their “safe seats” for granted. I can’t see that happening though. I honestly can’t think of anything special she’s done for the electorate. I doubt the Labor party really thought she had a chance of winning when they put her forward. Still, she’s 69 this year - I suppose politics was a retirement hobby (She only joined the party in 2015) that turned into an accidental job. If It were me, I’d want to lose so I could retire on that parliamentary pension. 😀

    • Gorgritch_Umie_KillaOPM
      1 month ago

      I find it hilarious that he attempted a run at party leadership without even holding a seat. You just know that he’ll try again if he wins.

      It was funny, for sure! But i think it was probably the right choice for him personally, and the party generally to try.

      The Liberals in WA haven’t covered themselves in glory, the factional infighting i think is ready to termite internal stability, Mettam appears weak every time she does a populist backflip, and they continue to appear as the minor party in a Nats-Lib coalition. Whether thats the case or not, the perception hurts them.

      And then theres the WA Nationals, who’ve performed better, Mia Davies seems to keep her nose clean, and by all accounts was quite effective. The only annoyance is the constant badgering to find wedge issues to drive community division for electoral gains. Its crappy, because it means they ain’t selling much policy wise, but they at least know the game they’re playing.