Big read, but gives a good perspective.

I think theres three big stories of this coming election.

  1. The rebalancing of metro v regional votes.
  2. Liberals progress clawing back traditional Liberal seats could indicate how satisfied West Australians are with WA Labor.
  3. Independent Challengers in western suburbs could indicate dissatisfaction with both majors for different and complicated reasons.
  • Gorgritch_Umie_KillaOPM
    1 month ago

    Security and policing is a classic they can always draw on, and knowing Bas, he’ll go for that.

    They’d be silly not to do something on housing and cost of living, although i predict they’ll have no better policies.

    I don’t know, i think the Nats have plenty of scare campaigns, keep the sheep, guns, train lines (maybe a tortured angle after the announcement early this week).

    People in WA might be satisfied enough atm that Liberals need to demonstrate they at least can be an effective opposition first, before presenting themselves as a ‘government in waiting’ to the State.