Might be moving to your little spot on the Earth’s crust. Where’s the best place to live preferably within 30 minutes hike of the CBD? Used to living in Newtown/Enmore in Sydney and Brunswick/Fitzroy in Melbourne.
@maniacalmanicmania By hike do you mean actually walking or just 30 mins travel. Cause its Adelaide 30 min by car is pretty much everywhere.
Walking 🙂
@maniacalmanicmania basically you’re looking at Nth Adelaide or any of the very inner parts of the inner suburbs. I’m partial to the west side, but south and east are nice too … probably more expensive though.
Budget / priorities / interests?
Budget: We’ve been lucky to get away with renting the same place for $400-450/w for a while in Sydney’s Inner West. Dunno how that translates to what’s available in Adelaide. We don’t have the moolah to buy.
Priories: No biggies here, just gotta be within 30 mins walk of CBD. Preferably not boring, good food and bars and close to public transport.
Interests: Arts (film, live music), hiking, gym and pool (at least for my partner).
Preferably not boring