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  • 92 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • many got long covid and cannot work and the solution is to cut off their income rather than invest in science and treatment and help people get to a state where they can work

    But you’re broke and going broker, you can’t afford science and treatment, I’ve heard about the NHS being in a bad state for over a decade now, now if you were the worlds reserve currency like the USA then sure, turn on the money printer! but you’re not so… bit of a crappy situation to me!

    If GDP and growth rises (by having more people working) then the budget can balance better and welfare can be increased

    Maybe kicking everyone who thinks Brexit was a good idea in the shins might help move things along, wonder how many billions that has cost the UK

    From my perspective it’s not about people or their disabilities, it’s simple economics, if you don’t have the money to provide the welfare but keep paying it out you can end up in a debt spiral or Argentina with 5000% inflation as the money printers are turned on to fund things when credit ratings are downgraded, is it really that surprising they are cutting back on spending?

    Remember, the upturn in benefits came post covid

    Can Labour Fix the Welfare System? - TLDR News

    My understanding is there is no real link between COVID and welfare payments with young people for example least impacted by COVID but the biggest increase is payments to them for anxiety:

    Which Starmer is directly tackling:

    Starmer’s welfare reforms will make it harder to claim payments for conditions such as anxiety

    More than half of the rise in working-age disability claims since the pandemic is related to mental health or behavioural conditions, according to official figures. Such conditions now account for almost 45 per cent of total claims.

    I don’t think there’s a popular way out of this, you can’t increase payments or keep them going because you’ll go broke, every time you move something budget wise somebody is going to get upset

    You’re an Aussie, why are you talking about UK tax. Are you Rupert Murdoch?!

    A stinging rebuke to a guy that watched the NRL today on an illegal streaming website rather than paying a Murdoch owned streaming service 1 cent :\

    To be honest there’s not enough content on Lemmy so I browse ‘all’ a lot and this came up

  • I wonder if this is a bit of an overreaction to the recent cuts

    The changes come after concerns that the bill for those on disability and long-term sickness benefits will hit £70bn by 2030, with the number of claimants rising from the current 2.8 million to 4 million.

    Same thing happening in Australia

    Federal assistance to people with disabilities rose from $61 billion in the 2022 financial year to $69.4 billion the following year and is forecast to rise to $78.3 billion this year.

    It’s clear that if you have a disability benefits scheme then people will attempt to get on it, sick or not

  • ikttoBrisbaneMoving to Brisbane: what do I need to watch out for?
    3 days ago

    How did the housing market get so bonkers?


    Sydney and Melbourne shut down a lot, Melbourne in particular had I think one of the longest shutdowns in the world whilst Brisbane remained largely open so we had a large internal migration of people from Sydney/Melbourne who boosted house prices to near record levels before the immigration tap was even turned back on

    Then to make matters worse the cost of building materials shot through the roof and a lot of building companies went broke because they settled their contracts on older non-inflated prices

    Then when the immigration tap was turned back on things just compounded

    People here will say public school but what I’m seeing in real life is that a lot of people are preferring private schools, I don’t have kids so no idea what is better but I think worth getting a 2nd irl opinion outside of this place