Bit of an interesting contrast with Amazon, who encourages leaking
Tap for spoiler
This is a pee joke
Bit of an interesting contrast with Amazon, who encourages leaking
This is a pee joke
QR code readers should be able to take an image as input. If you’re in need of a good one, may I recommend BinaryEye? It regularly beats both my native camera app and Firefox for picking up difficult QR codes or dealing with bad lighting.
And in case you are desperate to know what’s in this QR code, it’s under the spoiler
Among other things it lets you define the return type in terms of the arguments to the function.
A switch is an electromechanical component that can open or close one or more circuits. There are many types of switch, with whole sets of nomenclature depending on how specific you want to get. A keyboard switch is an example of a momentary normally-open single pole - single throw (mom NO SPST) switch [1]
A button is a user interface / mechanical design component which protudes from a surface and can be manually actuated.[2]
You can have each without the other.
While a keyboard switch can be used as a button, it’s not designed for the purpose, it’s designed to have a keycap installed, at which point you do indeed have a button. When we are talking about keyswitches though, we’re specifically interested in the electromechanical component, not the portion that a user pushes.
Source: domain specific education ↩︎
Guess my aeroplane mode is never turning off now.
For the topic of the thread I’ll throw in “toilets that are so bad at flushing that you need to keep a plunger next to them”
The only time I’ve owned a plunger was in a house with a broken clay sewer pipe that was about to kick the bucket.
Wordless instructions make the world a more equitable place by making everyone equally frustrated
You don’t have to just leave a note, you can fix it yourself
+1. BinaryEye is far more reliable than the QR code reader in my camera.
It also has support for a large number of QRlike and barcode formats, and generation as mentioned.
Radeon Open Compute Mplatform
I put a 3060Ti in my latest build. The NVidia drivers would consistently hard lock my PC after about a day of uptime no matter what I did. I spent ages trying to hunt down the issue, and waited through several kernel and driver versions in vain hope, fuelled by people insisting that the NVidia drivers were “good now”. I switched to nvidia-open once that released (or once I realised it existed) to no avail. Nouveau was not available at all for those cards when I started and was still missing critical features at the end.
I think this is the first time I’ve ever encountered a kernel crash in nearly two decades of Linux computing. And second, and third and…
I switched to an AMD card, a 7600 (a generation newer! In case anyone thought this was a “new hardware” issue) and the problem was immediately gone, and my PC has returned to being my sanctuary.
My problem is exceptionally rare - I think i found one other person experiencing it over the course of 1-2 years. But the concept that NVidia had redeemed themselves continues to ring hollow for me.
What have you heard? This is the first concern I’ve heard of Matrix that’s not technical
“Easily” is definitely a stretch with the ones we were just given
I always thought the random button should lead to fascinating things, but it really shows how much of Wikipedia is just random dudes and small towns.
I don’t think it shouldn’t be that, but I wish there were some filters for random
It’s extremely bizarre to play a national anthem at a national game. If it was international I would understand.
Arrays is only supported for Chrome or Edge
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Yeah screw this non GDPR compliant website.
I already hate them for access gating based on unnecessary labour, and deliberately making access more cumbersome for people not using chrome and using VPNs
But what really peeves me off, even though it’s much less important, is that they don’t localise them.
Where are the crosswalks? What the hell is a crosswalk. How many trolleys in this picture? None, that’s a picture of a tram!
The closest thing I’ve seen is Combobulate