For the month of December 2024, the Perth/WA community is running a photo competition. The winning four photos being featured as the banner for a quarter of the year each is the glorious prize on offer!
Pictures must be taken by the user, and of something Western Australian, a centimetre over that border will be cause disqualification and shame! It can be as small or large as you like, a cool bug, Wave rock, a partial star picture, even a view of one of our bustling cities, or heaving rural towns. Quick reminder advertising isn’t allowed on Aussie-Zone, this of course applies here and the moderators will decide if an image crosses that line. So why not snap awhile while you Wait Awhile here in our beautiful State and enter this grande challenge.
The four winners will be selected by upvote only, downvote as much as you like, they have no power here! The highest upvoted will be selected, probably cut to size, and be displayed as the banner for a quarter of 2025. It’ll be assumed entrants agree to this use of the picture if you upload a photo on this thread.
Entrants can enter as many photos as they like. An entrant can win a maximum of two slots though. Their two highest upvoted will be taken. Our current banner will also be entered, as long as the current owner doesn’t mind.
The winners shall receive plaudits and praise on New Years Eve 2024, probably in the afternoon sometime. With the winner to be featured first whenever a moderator recovers enough from their hangover on New Years Day.
Bonus Competition An excellent ‘WA Christmas’ photo that is posted will be a bonus winner and immediately used as the banner for December 2024.