Populism Updates @PopulismUpdates Tell me your most radical position that cannot be placed on the left-right political spectrum

Admiral Snaccbar @Chris Mench Serving shrimp with the tail still on when it’s already mixed into something (pasta, rice, etc) is insane.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    Maybe radical, maybe not, I don’t know. Instagram has a policy of no nudity, with some exceptions. A notable one is for breastfeeding, which has led to this weird category on Instagram of… I guess it’s Breastfeeding Porn, I don’t know what else to call it (?). It’s bizarre because the videos being made are obviously meant to just show off naked boobs… but with young children in them. So, IMO, it’s dipping its toes into exploitation, but because it’s technically “breastfeeding” it’s perfectly fine with Instagram. It’s this weird situation where, showing your tits in a video by yourself is considered “offensive” or not safe for children… unless you film your tits out with a child in the video. Honestly, they should just allow all nudity via some sort of gatekeeping program or something that tries to keep kids from viewing it, but the breastfeeding exception has just created a weird porn sub-genre.

    And I’m sure there’s legitimate reasons why somebody would take a video of themselves breastfeeding, maybe for instructional purposes for other mothers or something, whatever, I’m sure that’s a thing and I’m not knocking that. And I know breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child, it’s a normal, natural thing that happens, I get that, but these videos in particular don’t seem to have any purpose that I can make out. These videos are just women staring at the camera, their tits hanging out and off to the side is some kid greedily suckling on one boob. If this is such a sacred relationship between mother and infant, shouldn’t it be kept private? Sure, women can breastfeed in public because they literally have to feed their child… but broadcasting it to the world doesn’t seem like a necessary part of that.

  • Nuke_the_whales@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    Right?? I love shrimp but I hate eating things with my hands. No matter the dish, I pull those tails off and I know how to do it without losing any meat. I can’t stand tails on shrimp as I’m trying to eat

  • T156@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    The QWERTY-type keyboard is a dated relic, especially in the electronic era, where there aren’t physical mechanisms to jam because you pushed the buttons too quickly.

    This is particularly applicable to touch screens, where the format is particularly ill-suited, and ought to be replaced by something more suitable and intuitive.

  • ClassifiedPancake@discuss.tchncs.de
    4 days ago

    Souls games should have an easy mode and it’s fine if only the original hard mode is a well balanced experience. I just want to have fun and enjoy the view.

  • KuroiKaze@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    More pizza is good in all three states than is not true, pineapple isn’t special in this regard. Wood fired crust isn’t good cold.

  • deltreed@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Absolutely! Also, I can’t stand ordering whole crab at a restaurant. I just want the meat without the hassle of cracking open the legs and body, getting my hands dirty, slurping all over, and dealing with the mess. Someone should handle that in the kitchen. I can boil a crab at home if I want to work to get the food out.

  • SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca
    4 days ago

    My radical opinion is that the left-right political spectrum isn’t real. It’s all really arbitrary like the Big Endians and Little Endians from Gulliver’s Travels. We’ve decided one group is left and one is right. When an issue comes up, one group takes a position and the other group feels like they need to oppose it. Depending on which group supports an issue and where we decided that group is on the spectrum, that’s where we put that issue.

    But most issues are way more complicated to fit on a one dimensional line. Many problems are completely orthogonal to politics. Global warming for example is a scientific thing. More CO2 in the atmosphere, more warming. Gotta get that CO2 level down or we’re going to have serious problems. Where does that fit on a spectrum? We just plop it onto the “left” part because the parties on the “left” tend to want to do something about it.

    Foreign policy doesn’t really fit on a spectrum since it’s all around the interests of the country. Who should we be allies with and who are our adversaries? That’s largely dependent on what those other countries are doing isn’t it? But gotta put it on a spectrum, so I guess this war the left wing supports and this other war the right wing wing supports.

    Ultimately ideology is for the intellectually lazy. Don’t want to think about individual issues in-depth so just consider a few, sign on to whichever ideology is the closest fit, and go along with whatever the ideology says about anything else. The left-right spectrum is a rationalization for this, making it seem commonplace for people to be a dot on a line to feel justified in going along with whoever is on the same part in that line.

    But it’s just a construct. Issues are more complicated than that, and two people that agree completely on one issue may completely disagree on another. Because there really is no political spectrum. It’s something that only exists in a poli sci classroom and doesn’t really mean anything anywhere else. Why would anyone want to be a dot on a line anyway?