Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • RosaliePreistley
    1 year ago

    Had one of those I wasn’t even supposed to be here today kind of mornings. I don’t normally work Mondays. One colleague told me they were running late, but were actually at a different workplace. Poor other colleague was late because he got bailed up for money by some junkies in the city. I’m not sure if he was hurt as he has only been in Australia a couple of months so there’s a language barrier, but he was shaken up pretty bad. I’ll meet him at his city landing point next time we work together to see where he’s walking, he may very easily be able to avoid the scummy parts of the city like I do. But yeah, standing around in one of our windy laneways for 45 minutes with an almost dead phone gave me a case of the Mondays.