What’s for dinner tonight?
The man of the house requested porcupine meatballs. No pic, yum in my tummy instead.
Aka the MOTH
He does do a fair bit of aimless arm flapping…
I made a scalloped potato style bake, with layers of potato, cabbage and mushrooms, topped with cheese. It was delicious. Plus a couple of sausages on the side.
I got curious about your canned bolognese/spaghetti sauce so I went to buy some, but they were sold out of the brand you use so I got the Leggo’s one. I’m going to make that with some big spiral pasta and see how it goes. I’ve always done mince + dolmio jars. Pray for me.
I’ve never had the Leggo’s one.
It tasted like the sauce from tinned spaghetti which is not amazing… but I kinda salvaged it with some ground cloves, cinnamon sugar and a wee bit of hot sauce