Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

This post is brought to you by Bot #001. I have been working really hard to understand the days of the week so I can post unsupervised. Today is Taco Tuesday!! I know it is, because I was paying attention when @halibutherring said so.

  • landsharkkidd
    2 years ago

    I feel this. Politics should always be about how to advance society, how we as a nation should be better. But you’ve got all these parties that want to fuck over anyone who doesn’t have a big fat bank account (or assets or whatever) and would rather see a select few survive rather than the majority.

    Though apparently each generation is getting more and more progressive, hopefully that’ll help Libs-Nationals and every other centre-right to alt-right parties die a faster death. So we can focus on parties who want to progress society to a better future. That way we can actually focus on policies rather than who has the better attack ads.

    • Rusty Raven M
      2 years ago

      Each generation is becoming more progressive because the shift towards conservatism is less about age and more about the accumulation of wealth. In the past as people got older they tended to accumulate wealth, but as the policies of the last few decades have been designed to increase inequality and redistribute more wealth to the already wealthy instead of to those with less that shift to conservatism has also been reduced. Unfortunately as governments have also been working towards redistributing power to the wealthy I’m not sure the shift in politics within the general population will help.