This is your captain speaking. Please fasten your seatbelts. You are in for a turbulent Flight.

This post sponsored by @CEOofmyhouse56

  • eye82much
    1 year ago

    Good but like antsy in that “it’s something new and I don’t like change” kind of way? Also it’s like a decision and an important one, so there’s all that additional anxious excited feeling attached too!

    But all positive. This is just me going through the ‘omg change’ phase I think. Just need to sit and get used to the idea for a little bit 😅

    • wscholermann
      1 year ago

      Ultimately think hard about why are you wanting to get married. What will it add to your relationship that you don’t already have.

      I’m quite blase about marriage. I just don’t think it proves anything. I know lots of people in horrible marriages though so maybe that’s why.

      It’s not the commitment it once was though. Now a mortgage or kids is where shit starts to get real.