We can all agree Aldi have some good stuff but sometimes there’s some bad too. I’d like to hear about your favs and not so favs.

Don’t worry if it’s not food based. We will forgive you.

I’ll start a Coles/Woolworths post in the near future.

  • Thornburywitch
    9 months ago

    GOOD: The paper products like bog roll and paper towels etc., laundry liquid are great. I prefer them to colesworth. The pantry staples like rice, flour sugar are fine too and cheaper. The range of cheeses is nice if ordinary - I really like the tubs of cream cheese marketed as from alpine milk - I think it’s the lack of oxygen that gives them that creamy consistency. Their smoked meats are fine and marketed in sensible size packs. I LOOVVEE the chocolate - it tastes like real chocolate and the range is broad. Much better than colesworth. Frozen foods are great - gratins, gozleme, fish are my go tos. Also their pie range is pretty tasty if limited.
    MIDDLING: Biscuits and pastries - ordinary at best. OK for day to day but I wouldn’t serve them to guests. The plain sardines are OK - not my favorites but pretty good. I don’t buy aldi tinned fish with sauces - cos I hate the sauces. Fruit and veg are Ok and the turnover is pretty fast so fairly fresh. Condiments - very similar to colesworth but cheaper. Some items are not always available like chili sauce and soy sauce. Cream/butter/yoghurt is fine if middle of the road, and sold in quite large packs - larger than I can use so there’s a bit of wastage to be built into the cost.
    BAD (imo): tinned fish in gloopy sauces - I find these horrible. The aldi meat & fish - I prefer to go elsewhere as it’s all in horrible plastic packs. Quality is variable I’m told. Packaged meals (chilled) - I’ve had some bad experiences where these were within use by dates but had gone mouldy, so I don’t recommend these. This might be an issue with my particular aldi’s storage regime and may not apply in other places. Eggs - hard to find packs that are within the useby date. And the size range is small and doesn’t include the size I prefer. Breads and croissants - usually stale and soggy at my aldi.

    • CEOofmyhouse56OPM
      9 months ago

      I’m not a fan of their bread. I find it’s ok first day then stale the next. Maybe it doesn’t have as many preservatives. Their turkish bread is ok but still fresh is always better.