I recently started doing audiobooks, really like it. I listen when I’m doing chores or in the car. Still read paper books sometimes too, so it hasn’t been a total replacement. Audiobooks really shine where there is a multi character cast, or a biography where the author reads it themselves. And exactly as you said, if my concentration drifts off I just rewind and listen to the bit I missed again. It’s not really cheaper than paper, if you use something like audible. But you can also get audiobooks from libraries but there might be waitlisted for the popular books. Maybe there will be a Black Friday deal and you can try out if you like it.
I recently started doing audiobooks, really like it. I listen when I’m doing chores or in the car. Still read paper books sometimes too, so it hasn’t been a total replacement. Audiobooks really shine where there is a multi character cast, or a biography where the author reads it themselves. And exactly as you said, if my concentration drifts off I just rewind and listen to the bit I missed again. It’s not really cheaper than paper, if you use something like audible. But you can also get audiobooks from libraries but there might be waitlisted for the popular books. Maybe there will be a Black Friday deal and you can try out if you like it.