Funky Food is a fruit and vegetable delivery service in the eastern states. They also have recipes online.

  • PeelerSheila
    8 months ago

    Went back specifically to look for this post because I couldn’t remember who posted it and I wanted to thank you. After a bit of pondering and fiffer faffing I decided to order a box. I ordered the largest box as there are 3 adults and 2 children in the house (so technically 5 people) and I wanted to see what I’d get. It arrived today, and I paid just under $50, + $7 shipping for the pictured items:

    View from one angle

    View from the other angle. I consider this money very well spent; the quality and variety is excellent, extraordinary for goods rejected by the supermarkets! If I save the (quite large) box the driver will take it away for reuse next time. I will definitely order again, and thanks again for posting about this!

    Edit: I have been informed that there was one extra tomato not pictured (Mr Peeler couldn’t resist having a sandwich with it before I came home!)

    • CEOofmyhouse56OPM
      8 months ago

      Wow that looks great. I’m so glad you’re happy with it. Make sure you post some of your meals on [email protected]. I’d love to see what you make with this.