2024.11.15 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.7
2024.11.09 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.6
2024.10.25 - migrated pict-rs image store to its built in object storage
2024.10.24 - banned instance, only used to spam content from reddit into Lemmy. If you want that content, use reddit directly.
2024.10.23 - DB config changes, spun up worker instances of lemmy service, re-enabled “ProxyAllImages”
2024.10.12 - disabled the “ProxyAllImages” configuration to try and resolve the long running image issues
2024.06.26 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.5
2024.06.09 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.4, postgres to 16, pict-rs to 0.5.15
2024.01.23 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.3
2024.01.11 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.2
2023.12.21 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.1
2023.12.17 - upgraded lemmy to 0.19.0
2023.10.12 - upgrade VPS to 160GB, other specs unchanged
2023.08.9 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.4
2023.07.29 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.3
2023.07.11 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.2
2023.07.10 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.2-rc.1 to mitigate XSS vulnerability
2023.07.10 - VPS upgraded to 8GB RAM (required to upgrade storage, needed anyway… only $2pm)
2023.07.08 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui 0.18.1 🎉
2023.07.06 - upgraded lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.10 and lemmy-ui 0.18.1-rc.11
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.10
2023.07.04 - upgraded lemmy and lemmy-ui to 0.18.1-rc.9
2023.07.03 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.1-rc.4 and lemmy-ui 0.18-rc.7
2023.06.28 - VPS upgraded from 2 to 4 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.24 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0
2023.06.23 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.18.0-rc.6
2023.06.13 - upgraded Lemmy to 0.17.4. Increased federation workers and reduced logging storage at the same time.
2023.06.10 - VPS storage upgraded from 40GB to 80GB, other specs the same.
2023.06.09 - VPS upgraded to 4GB RAM, 2 vCPU, other specs the same.
2023.06.08 - created, running Lemmy 0.17.3. OVH VPS was 2GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 40GB NVME
Nerd Stuff
The server is currently an OVH VPS in Sydney:
8GB RAM, 4 vCPU, 160GB NVME storage
Images are stored in an object store bucket on Wasabi, also in Sydney.
I post updates every week or so randomly with current server resource graphs:
Nerd update 25/10/24
Nerd update 20/4/24
Nerd update 2/9/23
Nerd update 13/8/23
Nerd update 5/8/23
Nerd update 29/7/23
Nerd update 22/7/23
Nerd update 15/7/23
Nerd update 7/7/23
Nerd update 30/6/23
If you have any questions, please post.
Have observed a few times recently where CPU usage was high, and resulted in very brief periods of slow performance on the site. This appears to have been due to DB queries maxing out 1 core. Have just upgraded from 2 to 4 vCPU which should mitigate this for now.
Does this bring the costings above the previously mentioned $43/pm
Yes, I updated my other post with the increased VPS cost when it was done.