Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • RosaliePreistley
    1 year ago

    I just looked it up… urgh. I just couldn’t. I have two close friends with DID and know casually a couple more. Plus all the women I’ve known with BPD as a result of childhood abuse. The less I know about this stuff the better, I just try and be the best friend I can to them I’m glad there are people out there trying to stop it. That the catholic church is trying to weasel their way out of admitting that were basically a worldwide pedo ring is something else I try not to think about too much. I’m a part of the me too group as well, but all my abuse was at the hands of gay men. It’s still something we’re still not talking about because no one wants to be seen as homophobic, but so many of them are absolute fucking pigs to women and trans people. We’re supposed to be united under the queer umbrella but I keep hearing whispers about trans breaking away because we only really support each other. Hate to say it, but its mostly men. Not all men but too many.

    end rant, it’s been a constant source of pain this year as abuse and cover ups ruined my music career.