Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Rusty Raven M
    1 year ago

    That is a lot of money for a very small journal. That can only be used for one year.

    I find I can’t do things like journaling if it is an expensive book, I feel like I need to make my words important and meaningfull to match, I can’t just put down feelings and ideas as they flow. For me, cheap books or recycled paper are the go to. And depending on what it is I like to use pencil because I know I can change things so I’m not scared to start and do it wrong. Trying to use expensive fancy stationery is like playing dress-ups as a fantasy self I imagine myself to be, and is the antithesis of the sort of self-reflection and openness effective journalling really needs.

    If you do decide you want to buy it though there is a 10% discount if you sign up for their newletter (down the bottom of the page if it doesn’t come up in a pop-up for you) so that helps a little bit.

    • landsharkkidd
      1 year ago

      That is understandable. But I’ve kept past journals that I’ll sometimes look through. But I totally understand about the whole “expensive fancy stationery feeling like dress up”.