So after ten to twenty five years of use it seems that most of my pairs of Holeproof Explorers are giving up on me. They’re wearing out in such a manner that darning the spots isn’t going to cut it anymore. I hear rumours that the company has changed hands and the modern versions just aren’t the same quality.
So I’m up for 5-10 pairs of new socks. I hear good things about wool / merino, but buying anything online I’m sceptical of the actual quality once it gets to me. Even temu makes their products look appealing all the way until you open the package.
Given this group is still small and off the marketing radar, anyone got any brand name suggestions, or even stores I should visit, maybe I should be buying wool and a sock knitting machine.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I used to work as a meter reader, so lots of hoofing it. I tried several brands of bamboo socks because they were all the rage but I found they all fell apart really quick. Eventually I found satisfaction with tradies wool blend work socks -
I won’t tell you they’re the best out there, nor will I promise you that they’ll last you 10-25 years, but I found them good enough in terms of comfort and durability. Can get them from big w.