• ZagorathOP
    1 month ago

    have cited statements by senior Israeli officials that may indicate an “intent to destroy” Gaza’s population in whole or in part, a necessary condition for the legal threshold of genocide to be met

    Yikes. You somehow think that statement plays in your favour‽ Intent is a necessary legal prerequisite to genocide. But it’s not sufficient. You have to actually effect the death, relocation, or separation from their culture of a significant percentage of the targeted group. No reasonable person could claim that Hamas has done that, even if they may have the desire to do so.

    This is what the whole area would look like if Hamas had their way

    You mean Hamas, the militant organisation that was backed by Netanyahu specifically because Israel wanted to destabilise Palestine? That Hamas?

    If Hamas wants less Palestinian deaths they are free to fight the IDF on the battlefield and prevent their citizens from dying instead of hiding in schools, hospitals, homes and cafes

    Ooh. Love it. “It’s not war crimes because that child was Hamas. Totally. We swear.” Fuck off with that bullshit. You are an evil fucking bastard, trying to justify the wholesale slaughter of thousands of people whose only “crime” was pushing back against decades of severe oppression.