• 236 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023


  • stabby_cicada@slrpnk.nettosolarpunk memes@slrpnk.netDumb fucks
    5 days ago

    How naive. True change doesn’t come from offending moderates - true change comes from making moderates comfortable, so they feel secure and confident that the change you won’t harm them. Any protest that makes people uncomfortable about society or their own actions is counterproductive and just makes things worse.

    Take Colin Kaepernick. Taking a knee during the national anthem before a football game was exactly the wrong way to protest racism, because it angered people who loved football and loved America, who should have been his natural allies. What Colin should have done was been even more patriotic and sung the anthem even louder, to express how much he loved America and how he wanted to see it become better. That would have inspired people who supported his cause, without offending people who disagreed with him, and there would have been no controversy.

    That’s the way white moderates want to see people protest. Being conformist and forgettable is how we make change.

    Am I still being too subtle?

  • Libraries have free books. That takes profit from Amazon.

    Libraries have free Internet. That takes profit from ISPs.

    Libraries have free research tools and expert guidance from librarians. That takes profit from all sorts of companies that profit off your ignorance.

    And worst of all, that stuff is all publicly funded, so when you look at a library you see government helping people. And there’s nothing conservatives hate more than government that helps people.

  • If it helps, don’t think of it as dying early. Think of it as dying at a normal time. It’s earlier generations of Westerners that lived abnormally long lives. They lived in the “sweet spot” when childhood diseases had been defeated by vaccines and we hadn’t yet poisoned the environment with forever chemicals and microplastics, and benefited from the colonial wealth extracted from the rest of the world to give most of their white elders the best possible medical care in their last years - medical care the average person can no longer access or afford.

    Simple fact: the 80-year life expectancies the last few generations enjoyed had never been seen before in human history and will never be seen again.