• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • My partner played lots of outdoor sport in his youth so he has some skin damage but from his mid 20s when I met him I encouraged proper sun safe behaviours and to moisturise. We live in Australia for Christ sake, this sun is not fucking around.

    He’s got mates of all ages but some of the blokes in their late 20s seem to think looking after their skin is a feminine trait and they play outdoor sports. When he’s been out with these guys, people think he’s the youngest despite being over 10 years their senior.

    It’s so silly. Put some sunblock on and moisturize. It’s not that hard.

  • boogetybootoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy was I crying???
    14 hours ago

    Oh I read your responses and it confirmed my initial thoughts.

    I had nothing useful to provide you in terms of your original post and others have attempted here and you seem happy with their answers.

    But I don’t read tripe like the reductive, false waffle that guy wrote and not call it out. I write how I speak. I don’t speak in slogans so I’m not sure what you’re referring to.

    I’m likely old in relative terms to you, yes. Young isn’t an insult. It’s contextualising my scorn (to use your word) for his response to someone who is.

    You’re pretty fired up in your responses to me. I only hope you grow to direct that passion towards people espousing that drivel he wrote instead.

  • boogetybootoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy was I crying???
    1 day ago

    I have very few feelings of generosity for men explaining the apparently concrete and defined preferences of women, especially when they’re the dated, stereotypical and unfounded assertions that underpin the incel and PUA ideologies.

    OP seems young and naive given the content of her question. His response to her gives her the impression of experience and a confidence in ‘how things are’ and it’s 4chan bullshit.

    I’ll save my generosity for people more deserving.

  • boogetybootoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy was I crying???
    2 days ago

    Did you just… Say all cis women are attracted to 2 types men? A ‘stud’ and a ‘dependable’ type? Because they are also the only types and never shall the two combine?

    Like, all of us women? All of us?

    Which cartoon told you this? And who told you to repeat this strange teen movie trope with such a sense of confidence?


  • My friends all went to uni and I went straight into full time work after college. They were having a blast while i was speed running the adult human condition. They had overseas trips and big uni balls and I worked and saved.

    By my mid 20s I’d bought a house and was quite advanced in my career, and now I’m middle aged I’m in a far better financial position than they are, and I’m old enough now to put aside FOMO for my youth.

    But here’s the thing, I did the work really hard thing and got the pay off that was promised. This generation? I don’t think it matters what they do, they’re fucked. And that’s bitterly unfair.

    If I were their age, at least in my country, I’d do a trade, travel, try and live off the grid or look into tiny homes and communal living. The system was always rigged but once upon a time there were ways you could get ahead, with some sacrifice and delayed gratification. It’s just not true anymore and it’s bullshit to tell them otherwise.

    I’d counsel young people (again in my country) to learn useful skills and live it up. Don’t even try to play the game.

  • boogetybooto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneJoever rule
    5 days ago

    His stumbling over the sentence cadence made him accidentally say the opposite. He meant to say that he wouldn’t have picked her for VP if she wasn’t qualified for president - think about it, that that’s a far more normal thing for him to have said and I’m positive what he meant. He just tripped over the words.

  • I’m an insomniac and the news came through while most of my country would be asleep. There’s been news I’ve woken my sleeping partner up for, because it’s been historic or 'in the run '.

    Jan 6 was one of those days.

    This wasn’t. And yeah it had just happened and then the event was over so, nothing really ongoing. But I literally read what I needed to about it and moved on.

    On reflection, America has used up all my sense of surprise, and I’m ashamed to say, compassion for them.

    I watched Sandy Hook unfold and cried. I remember that day. But the many, many that came after? Just another headline.

    I’m not hyper focused on the news; there’s plenty going on in my country of interest or more relevance to me.

    But I think it’s odd that the attempted assassination of an American President in my lifetime… Just isn’t surprising or interesting to me. I just have a ‘well that tracks for that place’ attitude. Putin? Now that would be something.