Not surprising I suppose, but I was hoping a few more people would come over from Reddit.

I’m not too upset about this though. Less content means I’m not doom scrolling. No longer on Twitter, no longer on Reddit. More hours in the day off a screen.

Might head out to the Xmas in July event. I was there yesterday but only noticed the paella as I was leaving.

Is this just a mindless stream of consciousness? Maybe. But we’ve got to post and interact here if we want to build traction.

Hope you all have a lovely sunny day.

  • Treevan 🇦🇺
    1 year ago

    There’s a tipping point, for sure.

    People have fond memories of reddit but anyone who was there 12 years + knows that it took ages to get subreddits going, or people were clustered around a few at the beginning and it took a real critical mass to start another one. New communities/subs are probably like small business, most are doomed to fail. People have come across and gone “recreating reddit”-crazy but that’s not how those communities started. That will work with some but not all.

    Just need people to post content, most are probably used to lurking. No one is going to post if no one else is. And crossposting is critical these days, bring in content if you can. People are fearful, I guess too. You post something stupid and it won’t get any upvotes, or worse, get downvotes or turn people off. It’s a fickle thing. I’ve been seeing some submissions to communities all over lemmy which are completely relevant to them get downvotes, even here.

    It also reaches a point where one user can ruin a community by being the only one posting and commenting, even though there is content it still looks empty to outsiders. I think I’m at point now with [email protected].

  • david
    1 year ago

    So nice to have /r/canberra created here

    We enjoyed Ice Skating next to civic library/canberra theatre on Saturday. Went there for the snow play but they delayed due to snow maker issues. They said it would be fixed and ready on Monday (today). we did not know they cancelled due to all cancelled notices to yahoo emails bounced

    Xmas in July was also very enjoyable too

  • FluidM
    1 year ago

    Yeh, it will take time. Probably worth spruiking this community as an alternative in the cbr subreddit from time to time as some users who may be on the fence about trying somewhere new may just not know of AZ as an option.

    • PeelerSheila
      1 year ago

      Fancy meeting you here! I sometimes check out other cities communities because I’m genuinely interested in what goes on outside my neck of the woods.

  • Anonbal185
    1 year ago

    It all lives or dies based on content creation. If people keep posting on Reddit then it’ll live. If the content creators leave then it’s all over. That will be the tipping point. There’s no point boasting about users if there’s noone to create the content