• 35 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • He’s not perfect, but especially considering the alternatives, he’s damn good.

    The previous government was slowly undermining the democracy (e.g. they literally removed Supreme Court judges and illegally put their own ones there that voted always in their favor, they rebuild the public tv to propaganda for their party and they fired a lot of judges that didn’t behave as they wanted).

    Then, around a year ago, there were new elections and despite the insane propaganda, due to a massive campaign, that former government lost majority and he got power again. They’re transformed the public TV back and work on reversing much of the harm done. If they also get the presidency in another year, the former party can’t veto much stuff so then they can do even better.

    But it’s still awesome that this happened as it’s one rare example of a democracy that was sliding into an authoritarian regime getting back and undoing the harm.

    He’s not perfect as is party is fiscally conservative and rather neoliberal, but they are in a coalition with left parties so he’s not like Macron, and that definitely balances it (because they have other priorities). And considering the major other alternative, it’s really amazing that he got elected. :D

  • If you judge someone’s look without sexualising them or even telling them (in a weird way), you’re not a creep.

    The whole “it was just a compliment” crowd is wrong because the statements are not compliments. They’re usually overly sexual, predatory, in a threatening way, or very pushy.
    That’s why it’s mostly not that “compliments are now illegal”, it’s just something else.
    But if someone’s literally just saying something like “your hair looks great” without otherwise being pushy or intrusive, they’re not a creep! And calling them just proves the actual creeps right when they say that just every compliment counts as being creepy.

  • Of course most overplayed. I mean at least here in Germany, that’s a huge meme that as soon as Christmas time begins, Last Christmas is unavoidable and no matter where you go, you’ll hear it everywhere (also on every radio station).
    So Wham is often mentioned in a negative light due to this (e.g. “A radio station without Wham - that would be a [great] present” in a comedian’s song).

  • I was not given any notice about it. I checked, and there was not an email sent when my account was actioned. No warnings, not a thing.

    I would try to find a phone number and call them. Often, it heavily depends on the person you just randomly get assigned to. Some are humane and try to help one if they’re not treated fairly.

    Also even with a note, expecting you to do that within one month is just ridiculous.
    As others have said, take them to court.