Do golfers do anything themselves? Like, they have people to hand them the clubs, cart to drive (or be driven) around in and now they can’t even take their own beer with them for their long and soo uncomfortable travels in the green desert?
I think you’ve missed the point. People don’t play golf because they like golf. They hear there’s this place you can go where they drive you around a nice park, they hand you beer wherever you are in the park, and you hit things with a club. What’s not to like?
Another example, sure, you could grab some booze and jump in the bath, but is that really the same as a resort with a swim-up pool bar?
There are plenty of people who play golf sober because they enjoy the game. But there are also plenty of people who just enjoy the getaway, like you said.
Source: am one such sober person
No idea, but I did shrooms with my best friend and went golfing at dawn in the afterglow of it all. We had never golfed before. Didn’t know the etiquette. Apparently these people golf half a hole and then leave their balls just laying on the course while they go jack off at the club for a while. My friend and I think there’s just free balls and we’re like “Wow, dude. Free balls!”, and put them in our bag. Minutes later Fuckity-Dooda and the gang return to the hole and start interrogating us about the balls. We had no idea what was going on, or that those balls weren’t just free ball-berries lying about for the picking.
I don’t remember how we defused the situation, but I do remember awkwardly getting their balls back out of our bags an being like, “Oh, well there was these balls…”, and then driving around the course for another hour avoiding humans whole we sobered up.
I would have just denied everything then asked them why they left their balls unattended for long enough that someone could have taken them.
Probably not while on shrooms though. I’d probably just take off running
Yeah, picking up other people’s balls at the course is a major faux pas. If you find a ball in the rough then it’s usually okay to take it if there’s nobody on the hole you’re playing. In your defense, they’re not supposed to leave a hole half played, and if they were going to do that, they should have left their ball markers and taken their balls with them.
Lol, fucking love stories like this!
They don’t let you bring your own booze because they make ass loads of money selling it to you themselves. Still, I’ve never played golf with people who don’t sneak in a beer or two to avoid that. It’s more fun that way.
It’s not even hard. Most golf bags, and golf hand carts have built in ice cooler compartments.
Most golfers have none of those things except for the beer delivery. You’re talking about the extremely rich, and professional golfers who have caddies with them. I’ve been golfing for around 10 years now, and I worked at a country club when I was younger, and I’ve never seen anyone actually use a caddy. For the beer delivery, why not? The course pays someone to drive around and ask if you want anything. It’s no different than a waiter asking if you want a beer. You’ll probably only see them once a game though, since their circuit takes longer than it takes to play a game.
I first read “beer cat girl” and I was very confused.
Same tho lol
I’m a beer catgirl
The bar is so low
In other words:
It doesn’t take much to make one another happy.
There’s a different bar for finding a life partner than there is for making someone’s day better.
And still so close to the average behavior
yet I’m still single
brb searching for a fuckgolf community and posting this george carlin clip
I prefer this one
Now you’re gonna die wearing that stupid little hat. How does it feel?
Not quite the same thing (I’d argue it’s even worse, but it’s in a different way—less land, but promoting animal cruelty and gambling instead) but a politician in my city recently proposed a plan to replace one of the two major horse racing tracks with rewilded parks, walking tracks, and significant amounts of public housing.
One race track, less than 100 m away from another race track, could provide the space to house up to 10,000 residents, and still have room for multiple sports tracks, general parkland, a new school, and more. Even ignoring the housing, doing the rest of it would provide so much more value to so many more people than the wasteful horse racing track would.
But of course, it won’t actually happen. Because the guy that proposed this isn’t from one of the two main parties. And the main parties are both in the pockets of the gambling industry.
I’m surprised to hear that anyone would abuse the beer angel. Everyone I’ve ever played with always treats them like they’re the savior of humanity.
I assume it’s the name “beer bitch” and general misogyny from older men towards an attractive younger woman.
My dad brought me a long to some companies golf outing/ charity or something. I forget exactly it was like 15 years ago.
Well I golfed with my dad an uncle who works in the same industry and it was fun driving around getting drunk and having a beer cart show up with cold beers.
The company my uncle worked for was sponsoring the alcohol, so he just sent a text and the beer cart came our way immediately.
I think that was the last time I went golfing.
Just call me angel… of the brewage, angel…
I know that song
Just call my cheeks when I’m with meee, bay-bay!
(…I don’t know the lyrics)
I can’t read this without a Georgia accent.