I live just on the southside and while we usually get the side effects of storms passing through Beaudesert and out to Redland Bay, this is the first time in a while that we’ve been in the direct path of fairly severe cells.
The last few days have been pretty hectic. It feels like FNQ weather with the way that multiple afternoons in a row have built up to storms.
Yeah, I am south side as well. The weather was seriously hectic from what I am used to getting.
Really sad to say, 4 people have died and 3 more missing due to the recent storms from the past 2 days.
Hope everyone is doing their best to stay safe out there, and my heart goes out to those who have lost their lives. Hopefully the 3 missing are found safe.
Good bot
Who else is back at work? Awesome traffic for the drive in I gotta say… And relatively quiet on the job front so time to catch up on paperwork! Bless everyone for staying home. Its like COVID, without the spicy cough.
No problem, though I am staying home cause I am still on holiday for another week and a bit 😎