Can we stop nitpicking shit like this like it’s some kind of gotcha? It’s ridiculously easy to make small fuckups when writing casually, especially if you’re typing on a small screen. She could’ve originally been writing “all in earnest” and forgotten to make the phrase agree after shuffling some text around.
I have a lit degree and still have tons of typos and errors from autocorrect or whatever simply bc I don’t care all that much that a simple social media post is perfect.
O sure conbitextual cues abound lemnding informatics to the subjected matter. I’m bust saying if’n your a academician typo you should not be unright in the wordering of punts.
Oh sure contextual cues about lending informatics to the subject matter. I’m just saying if you’re an academic you shouldn’t be putting typos into the wording of your puns
Communication still happened. Typos aren’t that big of a deal, relax.
So longing as there ain’t no pernt in standartizaton. Like when your a researches and the output is bespanked its ain’t good for eveythang.
But jest, ifn its just a bout, like, talking at a box of frogs, for nothin, thats perceptble. But then if hes like all me so HAWNY, I SPEEK GOOD HAWN hay’better be down to sniz, ma git?
Do you honestly believe that what you’re writing is the equivalent of the typo in the post? Like look at what you’ve just written, look at the post your mocking, and really ask yourself “am I picking the right battle?”
What was your degree in again? Oh.
Can we stop nitpicking shit like this like it’s some kind of gotcha? It’s ridiculously easy to make small fuckups when writing casually, especially if you’re typing on a small screen. She could’ve originally been writing “all in earnest” and forgotten to make the phrase agree after shuffling some text around.
I have a lit degree and still have tons of typos and errors from autocorrect or whatever simply bc I don’t care all that much that a simple social media post is perfect.
“all in earnest”? Really.
Well, if that pumps your nads, then the morose the marrier, I say.
Dude, i’m ASD and saying dial it back.
Oh, sorry.
I’m a pedant. But man is this pedantic. Her point still stands perfectly fine and communication was achieved
O sure conbitextual cues abound lemnding informatics to the subjected matter. I’m bust saying if’n your a academician typo you should not be unright in the wordering of punts.
Communication still happened. Typos aren’t that big of a deal, relax.
So longing as there ain’t no pernt in standartizaton. Like when your a researches and the output is bespanked its ain’t good for eveythang.
But jest, ifn its just a bout, like, talking at a box of frogs, for nothin, thats perceptble. But then if hes like all me so HAWNY, I SPEEK GOOD HAWN hay’better be down to sniz, ma git?
Do you honestly believe that what you’re writing is the equivalent of the typo in the post? Like look at what you’ve just written, look at the post your mocking, and really ask yourself “am I picking the right battle?”
Oh, of course note.