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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • We’re reaching a point of having multiple “everything” problems. Housing is one of them. An everything problem is when several different socioeconomic crises result in it’s own specific crisis, and can likely only be solved if the solution also addresses the other issues too. Capitalism plays a huge part in the housing crisis, but so does climate change, wealth inequality, systemic discrimination, the opioid crisis, and so much more. All that to say, shit’s complex and addressing any of these other problems will give some amount of relief for the housing crisis, and vice versa.

  • Instead, we spend a lot of time in high school biology on hydras … maybe that time would have been better spent on some history of plagues

    I think there’s a different class that might be better suited to discussing past plagues lol

    On a serious note, I get what you mean. I think classes need to be more integrated on their lessons, so like the science class is discussing the mechanics of how diseases reproduce at the same time history class is covering past epidemics, while the social studies class covers how systemic injustice worsened epidemics for the poor and minorities.