“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
“The United States has reached out to Denmark…”
You know, the country the United States wants to invade and forcefully take land from.
America: The dumbest rocks in the sock drawer.
Citizen of the United States here. Don’t. Assume whatever this orange anal fistula offers to pay will in fact not be paid. Assume whatever agreement brokered will immediately be ignored or violated. Assume this pus filled clementine will still try to “take” Greenland.
Let this shithole 3rd world country burn. It asked for fascism in the form of egg prices, let them deal with their egg prices.
Also a Yank. At this point we really do deserve the punishment. I just hope that when we get a new administration in a little less than four years the world has a shred of sympathy for us.
It will only take two years if people actually fucking vote in the midterms. But midterm turnout is historically… Well… Complete dogshit. And republicans are statistically more likely to vote in midterms.
That’s why Trump is moving so fast to try and secure things; He doesn’t truly have four years to cement himself as god-emperor. He only has two before he potentially loses his majority in congress. So he has to be crowned before then.
But even with that being said, I don’t have high hopes. As I said before, republicans are more likely to vote in midterms. Maybe Trump’s antics will be enough to get some blue voters off of their asses. But at this point, I’m not holding my breath.
They rigged the election through gerrymandering. They have had this planned for a long time. We are not playing the same game anymore.
At the moment, you definitely do. Most of you, and not just Trump voters. Why are you guys so fucking passive? Where are the millions of people protesting on the streets? Where’s the civil disobedience? The strikes? With the attitude the Americans show currently, there will be no elections in 4 years, hell, there might not even be mid-term elections in 2
Unfortunately Europe can’t wait four years for the US to start taking their responsibilities on the world stage seriously again. Russia will almost certainly move within that time, so Europe is now having to build up its defenses in a way that they’ve never previously had to do since the 1940s. Assuming the US does come around (that is a big “if”) by that point Europe will have already got used to using its own military. The US will no longer be required.
I really don’t see any way that things can now go back to the way they were. Trade will, but I think the days of cooperative military action are over. If you guys get embroiled in another pointless war in the Middle East, I think you’re going to have to do that on your own.
I don’t believe you. Or you’re not a stake holder anywhere. I have children. Wishing for things to get get worse is fucking stupid.
He said he wishes for things to get better, though.
I’m a US citizen and I agree with them 100%. A bunch of us tried to tell everyone that Trump was a fascist dumpster fire that would try to make himself king, trash the economy and violate everyone’s civil and human rights. A bunch of ding dongs voted for him anyway. Now he’s making outlandish and insulting demands of our allies, fucking up trade and markets (along with abusing the civil and human rights of some protesters, asylum seekers and random travelers, oh, and throwing Ukraine under the bus and encouraging a fucking measles outbreak). So yeah, I don’t want my house and retirement savings to go into the shitter if the country goes full Nazi and I have to flee with nothing. So maybe if some folks have to do without eggs and cheap imports for a while they just might maybe learn that we need to pull the US out of this tailspin before it’s too late. Some fucking people just will not listen when you tell them the stove is hot. So now we all suffer while they touch the red hot burner and go “Duho, that hurts!”
As a Canadian, the US can have my eggs on the condition of the delivery method being lobbing them over the border at official government buildings.