Red Dead Cock Block
“unwed nightmare”
Factual and homosexual?
Nah. You can’t feed people to alligators in RDR2 they only attack you. Definitely fake.
Came here to say fake and gay but damn, that last line changes everything
You know, I actually believe this one.
Totally gay though.
Anon has a boy friend.
Maybe he is willing to share him. Maybe not.
Sharing a boyfriend with your sister is incest by proxy
No, not his boyfriend. His boy friend.
And it’s only RDR2, if there’s any sloppy stuff that’s a whole other game.
What if he showers in between?
Easy, you start hanging out, gather a crew of like-minded cowpokes, set yourselves up with a Posse, and LAN Party your collective way to Legendary status!
As a side note, RDR2 deserves a ‘GTA VI’ more than GTA does, such an underappreciated game (and social commentary!)
Im not sure if you are joking right now but RDR2 IS the ‘GTA VI’ to RDR1, a game well deserved of its sequel. Underappreciated? Are you mad?
…is my math fucked up or are two and six the same thing these days? Seems they’d need a few more before they get to “VI.”
Ohh no. This guy doesn’t know about the new math. Should we tell him?
Ah this is that Commoncore Math I’ve been hearing about? Thought a supergroup of Dillinger Escape Plan and Converge made a new genre.
Can’t speak about the mad part, but what I meant about RDR2 is that it obviously got less love from the community than GTA V, which is why it’s essentially been shuttered in terms of any expansions/online components - while GTAO keeps receiving new mini-expansions even with GTA VI around the corner.
Not to mention there are no talks about furthering the series…
That’s why I consider it underappreciated.
Edit: also to add, RDR2 is to RDR1 what GTA V is to GTA IV.
I think not having an online component is a feature there.
GTA lives of the story and dense world. Online is just mayhem, which is fun for a bit, but gets bland quickly.
If we’re talking about GTAO, I agree. However I have a different opinion about RDO, it had the potential to be less of a griefer cesspool than GTAO, but Rockstar had even less motivation to prevent cheating than they did in GTAO, so…
RDR2 is to RDR1 what GTA V is to GTA IV
Only in terms of graphics and world size. I found GTA V to be worse on net than GTA IV:
- less interesting/relatable protagonists
- side content feels tacked on, while it’s relevant to the GTA IV story
- driving went back to arcadey nonsense
I found it an extremely disappointing return to Los Santos, whereas I found GTA IV to be an interesting return to Liberty City.
Yes, GTA V is gorgeous, but it was a slog to play IMO. Once it’s replaced by newer, prettier GTA, will you want to replay V? That’s certainly true for me for SA and IV, but not for V. The only reason it’s somewhat interesting is because it’s the latest entry.
RDR2 is to RDR1 as GTA IV is to GTA III: same setting, different story, and much much prettier.
In terms of story complexity and depth, I completely agree with you. RDR2 is even better than GTA IV, and that was a pretty hard act to pull to begin with!
As an overall game, though, I do see it somewhat on par with GTA V.
Sure, the story’s nowhere near as gripping or even smart necessarily, but the characters do have depth, the narrative content makes sense, and it does have some interesting interactions between the characters which humanise them just enough for me to want to see the story through. It kinda’ feels like someone tried to pull off Seinfeld in the world of GTA and sort of succeeded in creating a game about nothing much as far as the themes are concerned.
This is compensated a lot by the Online component, which seems to be the second half of the story - there are a lot of returning characters, we get to see the evolution of some favourites, the missions and objectives themselves pretty much go nuts way more frequently than the single-player ones. It’s clear that Rockstar focused a lot more on the online component that time, but the story content’s still good and even more interesting overall.
Now, credit where it’s due, RDO does a lot more to keep the multiplayer in the sandbox, with far fewer activities being relegated to dedicated lobbies, and has a lot more NPC interactions as well, but it still feels relatively barebones when compared to GTAO (this loops back to my first point about it receiving less love, thus less development post-launch).
But, yeah, again, GTA IV (especially when including TBoGT and TLaD) and RDR2 are THE epitome of Rockstar storytelling.
Edit: hey, maybe I’m just being a sourpuss and Rockstar will knock our socks off with the storytelling in VI!
It’s just atrocious that you still can’t play it 60 fps on consoles, while even RDR1 received a 60 fps patch
Isn’t there more to this one? Why is it cut off
Found the rest
I don’t know what to do next
next greentext will be about him trying to fuck his sister.
It’s only considerate.
I thought that’s what was going to happen in this one.
Invite the guy round, obv.
this guy just hasn’t figured out he’s jesus