Their Study Solving Climate Change Requires Changing our Food Systems
I know this article is probably not surprising many people, but theres a few interesting parts, like,
The study explains how our growing demand for meat and animal products is unsustainable, with the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimating that demand for meat will double by 2050.
“This demand will require approximately 80 percent of existing forests and shrubland to be converted into land devoted to raising animals. Such a trajectory would have devastating consequences for us and the planet,” Professor Knight said
The study presented strategies to re-think current food systems, including the removal of government subsidies and higher taxation of animal products to account for externalised costs of animal agriculture.
Yeah, i mean its not Gina’s fault sje has to fly around in a private jet , not Clives fault eithet
We already know who to “blame”, anyone not voting Green.
George Orwell knew what was up.
Now we got the Temu version, George Oh-Well.
Or maybe its a george costanza culture we’re in now.
Relentlessly self obsessed, wild mood swings, surface level takes presented as deep insights… Thats George Costanza!