Deal negotiated through Catholic church will involve ‘gradual’ release of 553 political prisoners, says Havana
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The timing makes me think he only did it after Jacobin magazine and some bloggers reminded him his awful policy exists. Is State Department asleep?
He’s gotta give Puerto Rico statehood as a last fu to trumps bullshit. That would be awesome, and something they’ve wanted for as long time.
The president does not grant statehood. Only congress can do that.
For some reason I recall the locals having to vote for it too?
I can’t imagine people not wanting representation, that would be voting against their own intere-
I think if they got statehood they’d have to pay more taxes, but don’t quote me on it.
Why do you think i was being serious?
Could’ve done it much sooner but nice of him to do this a month before Trump puts it back on the list I guess