Why doesn’t Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather own a home yet?He responds that he has a small, single-income family and gives up about $50,000 from his annual salary to fund a free meal program in his Brisbane electorate. ‘Because of that, giving up that money, and being on a single income and in an inner city electorate with a very, very high median house price, it is actually sort of difficult at the moment to buy a house there,’ the Greens housing and homelessness spokesperson says.

Well, thank you Max.

  • ikt
    3 months ago

    Looking at NSW and Victoria council election results, I expect the Greens will gain votes and maybe even a seat or two, I doubt there will be drastic gains or losses.

    Gain votes? A seat or two?

    In turn, the Greens say they have adopted a new spirit of “good-faith negotiations” with the government just weeks after suffering electoral setbacks in Queensland, the ACT, and in some local government battles. They fear those losses were because voters regarded the party as playing an obstructionist or “wrecking” role rather than achieving goals.


    I wish we had a remind me in 6 months