Soft coral grippers, with a side order of AI.
This is interesting; however, the click baity ‘world-first’ framing is kinda lame. This is what they are actually referring:
“This is the first time in history that a robot apparatus ever picked up a coral and transferred it safely between tanks using a soft robotic gripper of this kind,” Mr Rodan said.
Fucks sake, the only thing saving the GBR is a maasive reduction in GHG emissons and quickly
This is some Utopia level shit.
I don’t know if i’d call it utopia level, i saw it as planning for the scenario playing out.
As you’ve mentioned in a couple other comments humanity’s criminal negligence, particularly the wealthy and well resourced, are continuing this civilisations path on a spiral of environmental destruction.
Coral reefs are an essential part of the ecosystem, so projects like this are now required. Whatever the wider policy choices humanity, particularky the wealthy, make we’re too far down the destructive road to avoid these mitigation and retoration projects.