• SulaymanF@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    So you say itā€™s a Big Tent party for everyone but canā€™t accommodate Palestinians. Got it. Yet somehow thereā€™s room for unconditional support for Israeli extremism allowed in that very tent.

    Youā€™re not the only ones with children dying, you see.

    Thereā€™s that condescension again. So youā€™re fine with selling out Palestinian lives because your personal interests outweigh those of your neighbors. Very nice.

    Just admit it, Dems are willing to stick up for unpopular minorities like Trans people but Dem politicians canā€™t bring themselves to be seen in public with Arabs or Muslims.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      The problem is you tend to act like conservatives, you donā€™t seem to share any of our values. Youā€™re only dem because the repubs hate you and want you all dead, and we donā€™t. You do not seem to share our values though, youā€™re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and that is antithetical to us.

      If you could acknowledge nuance and admit to your own wrongdoing in the Middle East, and not spout lies like ā€œwe always support democratsā€ just because itā€™s convenient to you, this might change. But if you act like republicans, youā€™re going to struggle in our tent. It has nothing to do with your ethnicity or religion, just your atrocious behavior. If you want less condescension, speak and act with honor. Acknowledge complexity and nuance, own up to it when you do something wrong instead of always trying to be the victim, just like they do.

      • SulaymanF@lemmy.world
        28 days ago

        And thereā€™s the racism and Islamophobia coming out. Donā€™t share any of your values? How out of touch with the community are you? Majority of American Muslims believe in LGBT rights in polling and support abortion. We talk with plenty of nuance, which youā€™d know if you ever bothered to listen even once to our community, let alone the last 10 months where we were told to shut up because our mere existence somehow hurt Biden, who made his campaign detour around our communities and refused to be seen in public with us. This despite we were reliable donors to his campaign and celebrated that we got him elected by a narrow margin.

        I donā€™t have time to debunk your false stereotypes. You pretend to care about the plight and then go giving insults immediately after. Go talk with Muslims and Arab-Americans rather than talk about us and Othering us.