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  • melbaboutownOP
    9 months ago

    Freezing bread is great. I’d always get two loaves and freeze one, then when I got down to the last few slices of the first I’d move the frozen loaf to the fridge to thaw overnight. Doing it that way meant a slow defrost so it didn’t get soggy. You could always keep it in the freezer and pull off a few slices at a time if you rarely ate bread and usually as toast, but it can be hard to chip slices off without breakage.

    I would always keep the active loaf in the fridge too. People say it dries out but I wasn’t going to let it mould before I finished it (or pay extra for mini loaves). And dry bread is why french toast or bread and butter pudding exist.

    • CEOofmyhouse56M
      9 months ago

      I divide a loaf of bread in half. Use one half and freeze the other. I also freeze english muffins.