This article really highlights why the university, and as it says, associated accomodation is the most exciting development for Perth city going on at the moment.

In my eyes Elizabeth quay, (an example of the other large project being undertaken in the city i can think of), is shallow, and unnecessary mimickery of a gulf state attitude “build-it and they will come”. An aspiration that we don’t need to have in WA, of course because ‘they’ are already coming.

There is nothing i can see in the Quay that adds meaningfully to the culture or growth of the city, whereas the University will have an ongoing culture, and the academics that are produced will be highlights of the cities productive creativity, creating a virtuous circle in a happy win-win situation for all involved.

  • maniacalmanicmania
    3 months ago

    From the looks of it we have a couple of similar looking buildings like this in Sydney next door to Packer’s Pecker. I don’t know what everyone else calls them but to us they’re known as The Radiators. They are different dimensions though I think, a bit more squat and a bit wider. Could be wrong. Same radiator-ish kinda look.