Some dickhead kids kill someone to presumably steal her car, then dump it all of a suburb later, and are guaranteed to get caught thanks to the security camera footage that records them getting out of the car.

At least 6 lives directly ruined (the woman dead, the women’s grand daughter witnessing it, and the 4 dickheads involved), countless friends and families lives affected from the loss, and an entire community who will 100% feel backlash from this.

Just such a stupid amount of waste for nothing.

"Police have arrested a 15-year-old Ripley boy as part of their investigation into the stabbing death of a 70-year-old woman in an Ipswich shopping centre over the weekend.

Police said the boy attended Ipswich Police Station about 9:30pm on Sunday night.

He was charged with one count of unlawful use of a motor vehicle in relation to an alleged stolen car."


  • PetulantBandicoot
    8 months ago

    I read the original article on the weekend and I was in total disbelief.

    Now knowing a 15 year old was involved has me even more shocked. Literally throwing away the life of an innocent person, traumatising a small child and for what? A car they ditched an hour later? Showing off to their mates?

    This whole situation is so fucked up. I really hope the murderer gets put away for a really long time, even if they are a minor. No excuse for what they have done.