I’ve certainly had plenty of these butterflies around my place. I’m hoping that there are enough predatory insects built up from snacking on my aphids that will cross over to butterfly larvae.

  • Taleya
    11 months ago

    It most certainly does, i assure you.. Aside from the UoQ study, anecdotally i’ve used it with great success to reduce numbers. You just need to make sure you get Barbarea vulgaris.

    Other repellents / predatory attractants work well in conjunction - alliums work quite well to mask, and anything that attracts predatory wasps is a banger. Neem it up if you have a bad infestation, eco garden sell a neem mix with predatory attractants iirc.

    Moths aren’t an issue beyond aesthetics, as i stated. It’s the caterpillar stage that does the damage. But if you want to fuck off the moths they’re very territorial and very stupid. Anything white and flappy can convince them they’re on another moth’s turf.