Accepted a job in Brisbane. Moving from the Southwest US.

Apparently Grace Removals will be shipping our stuff.

We have a kid that’ll be eligible for 1st year in January. Public or private school?

How did the housing market get so bonkers?

Am I going to have to bring extra ketchup through customs for my kid, or is the tomato sauce close enough to make an easy switch?

  • ikt
    6 days ago

    How did the housing market get so bonkers?


    Sydney and Melbourne shut down a lot, Melbourne in particular had I think one of the longest shutdowns in the world whilst Brisbane remained largely open so we had a large internal migration of people from Sydney/Melbourne who boosted house prices to near record levels before the immigration tap was even turned back on

    Then to make matters worse the cost of building materials shot through the roof and a lot of building companies went broke because they settled their contracts on older non-inflated prices

    Then when the immigration tap was turned back on things just compounded

    People here will say public school but what I’m seeing in real life is that a lot of people are preferring private schools, I don’t have kids so no idea what is better but I think worth getting a 2nd irl opinion outside of this place

    • NathA
      4 days ago

      People here will say public school but what I’m seeing in real life is that a lot of people are preferring private schools

      About a third of kids go to private schools. The reasons are varied, but the perception is that they’ll get a better education in private. There is truth to that, but it is a simplistic answer that misses some of the variables.

      When faced with this choice, we chose public - but selected where to live based primarily on the school catchment areas so that the kids could go to good public schools.