Il be honest, I have bugger all idea about what any of these party’s are about and i don’t have the energy investment to learn all the shit they can just back flip on, I’ve gone outta my way to keep clear of almost everything politics related, mostly because I think it’s all a load of shit, each just doing there best to get back in power only to waste it anyway. I just want to see a proper shake up of the system, just yeet a bunch of independences in there and see what they can cook up.
I’m very happy with Labor but very unhappy with the Coalition who have now picked up the Greens as a partner in their coalition
Why do you want Labor gone?
Il be honest, I have bugger all idea about what any of these party’s are about and i don’t have the energy investment to learn all the shit they can just back flip on, I’ve gone outta my way to keep clear of almost everything politics related, mostly because I think it’s all a load of shit, each just doing there best to get back in power only to waste it anyway. I just want to see a proper shake up of the system, just yeet a bunch of independences in there and see what they can cook up.