The last one i remember is the Going Merry from One Piece
The last one i remember is the Going Merry from One Piece The chats made a song about it and got him in for it
I should also say they built the board with all the wiring and inverter and controler on it, sent me all the panels and mounting kit, and i put it together myself
I used these guys for my system, have all the prices in there website,
Well there you go, learn something new everyday.
But why did they think it was British? Or are they British? Also thanks for the new word disabused
Im out of the loop, whats getting yellow paint and why? Water proofing with cardboard in plastic bags? Vaseline and dish soap on the outside of what ? Why? I need context random stranger.
I’m getting real jurassic bark vibs here
Just singing this song everytime something happens
Exactly my experience, took longer to type in the name then to know the song haha
get the government to stop fuckin spiders, put a hybrid system on every house, job fuckin done, (i know it’s harder then that but is it really?)
Best hunters in the world so far
Watching some nonsense kids video on YouTube, while my 2yo, who’s not watching the video, trashs the house. But god help me if i put something on that i want to watch he’s just gonna come over and say car,car,car,car,car,car,wheel,carcarcar til i put his show back on, so here i am watching nonsense
Came here to say just that
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Tried refreshing, clear cookies, restart phone, just wouldn’t let me enter the answer, would type in A____a and would come up with did you mean South Africa?, could enter other ones like Australia no worrys but not the one country that was the answer
Jokes on him thats my kink haha