After heavy criticism, Australia's leading science agency doubles down its findings that the cost of nuclear power for Australia would likely be double that of renewable energy, and it would take at least 15 years for a plant to be built.
yeah but thats like a good quality american or french style reactor. But I hear the soviet designs are ALMOST as good, for a 1/4 of the price. And second hand we can have them for a steal, just gotta ago pick them up ourselves.
A user called “VZPrez_putinsucks” listed a couple on Gumtree just gotta go grab 'em from somewhere near pripyat. Apparently one of 'em is already disassembled!
yeah but thats like a good quality american or french style reactor. But I hear the soviet designs are ALMOST as good, for a 1/4 of the price. And second hand we can have them for a steal, just gotta ago pick them up ourselves.
A user called “VZPrez_putinsucks” listed a couple on Gumtree just gotta go grab 'em from somewhere near pripyat. Apparently one of 'em is already disassembled!