sempersigh [he/him]

  • 20 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2020


  • The commentary of that one guy who got choked to death on the subway pissed me off so much because he was literally just venting because he felt like shit and lived on the edge of the spectrum of person emaciated by capitalism Iit’s normal to witness this in America if you experience America outside of your car. To see that sort of thing and immediately decide you need to do murder is beyond out of touch and evil incarnate

  • At least in regards in to nyc it basically entails looking like you’re confused and not from the area. (Looking like a tourist, checking for directions meticulously, endlessly looking at your phone without your back against the wall ect) thus making someone feel they can can take advantage of you in some way. With that said I haven’t really had any problems and simply looking like you know what you’re doing whether you do or not helps a lot. Imo most of nyc is safe and there’s not really much to be worried about if you’ve done a modicum of research. Being afraid of being in the global north is pretty hilarious overall honestly

  • I’ve taken the train in nyc several times a week for years (outside of Manhattan) and I’m fine. I’ve seen “crazy” people but I’ve never felt like I was about to be attacked once. That doesn’t mean I don’t practice “street smarts” and I avoid looking like a mark but cmon these people are fucking cowards and it’s all about them being afraid of black people.

    Of course even if I wasn’t fine that would still be a stupidly unreliable way to tell if something’s dangerous or not because anecdotes over data is their whole thing

  • Once upon a time in Mobius, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles had gone their separate ways for a while to focus on personal development. Knuckles had enrolled in University, majoring in social theory, specifically Marxism. When he returned, he insisted on a serious discussion with Sonic and Tails.

    “Thanks for coming, comrades. We need to talk about the oppressive bourgeois structures that keep Mobius in a perpetual state of class struggle,” Knuckles began.

    Sonic, munching on a chili dog, looked bewildered. “The oppro-what now? Buddy, you’ve been away too long.”

    “I’ve become a Marxist-Leninist,” Knuckles continued, unfazed. “We need to instigate a proletarian revolution and overthrow the bourgeoisie to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat.”

    Tails scratched his head. “Prole-what? Dictatorship of the who now?”

    Knuckles sighed. “The proletariat—that’s the working class, Tails. And the dictatorship of the proletariat means a state in which the working class has control over the means of production, rather than the capitalist bourgeoisie.”

    Sonic looked at Tails and shrugged. “I got lost after ‘instigate.’ What happened to the good old days of smashing badniks and collecting rings?”

    “Ah, but that’s just it,” Knuckles exclaimed. “We’ve been so focused on fighting Doctor Eggman that we’ve ignored the broader systems of alienation and exploitation. Eggman is merely a manifestation of bourgeois decadence.”

    “Alien-what?” Sonic shook his head. “You’re really on a different level here, Knux.”

    Tails tried to wrap his mind around it. “So, you’re saying that fighting Eggman was just… a distraction?”

    “Exactly, Tails! We were stuck in a superstructural conflict, completely overlooking the base structure of society which perpetuates a system of class antagonisms.”

    Sonic placed his chili dog down, a rare action signaling his confusion. “Knuckles, I’m all for helping out, but you’ve got to bring it down a notch. Plain Mobian, please?”

    Knuckles paused, trying to simplify. “Okay, how about this? We’ve been fighting the symptoms, but not the disease. We need to change the entire system, not just beat Eggman every time he shows up with a new robot.”

    Tails’ eyes widened. “Oh, like fixing the root problem!”

    “Yes!” Knuckles clapped. “Now you’re getting it.”

    Sonic picked up his chili dog again, contemplating the new direction. “Well, if you put it that way, it sounds like an epic new quest. But how do we even start?”

    Knuckles smiled. “First, we redistribute the Chaos Emeralds as a communal resource. We need to break down the relations of production and embrace material dialecticism.”

    Sonic sighed. “I got ‘redistribute’ and ‘Chaos Emeralds.’ After that, you lost me again.”

    Knuckles chuckled. “Don’t worry, comrades. There’s a lot to learn, but we’ll get there. The important thing is, we’re fighting for a better world.”

    With a nod from Sonic and Tails, the trio embarked on their most complicated journey yet. It was a path filled with ideology, big words, and the occasional chili dog—but as long as they were together, they felt invincible.

    And thus, they ventured into the unknown, guided by friendship and fueled by a desire for systemic change—a truly revolutionary endeavor. Whether they would triumph or not was uncertain, but one thing was clear: this was only the beginning.

  • There are no moderates in the US there are libs, fash, a few leftists, and the people that we call moderates that are just an incoherent mess of ideas that you can’t pin down.

    There’s a guy at my work that’s a republican but he loves everything that Biden is doing but also thinks trumps covid policy was great. He thinks unions are great and is onboard to help organize but he also believes “anyone can get rich” and they’re keeping the truth of this (which to him is increasing your credit score, making an llc and using your credit to siphon money into it) because of racism

  • Okay after skimming through looks not so good even if the overall message is better than most politicians

    In recent years, the rapidly growing Chinese economy has eclipsed the US as the world’s major carbon emitter. Right now, China is building six times as many coal-fired power plants as the rest of the world combined – the equivalent of two new coal plants every week. Last year, they quadrupled the number of new coal plants approved compared with 2021. Current plans will see China add as much new coal to its grid as used in all of India, the second largest coal user, and five times more coal capacity as the US.

    It is no great secret the Chinese government is undertaking many policies that we and the international community should oppose. They are cruelly repressing and interning the Uyghurs, threatening Taiwan and stifling freedom of expression in Tibet and Hong Kong. China has bullied its neighbors, abused the global trading system, stolen technology and is building out a dystopian surveillance state.

    Just awful