There isn’t a policy yet devised that Dutton and the jackboot brigade wouldn’t oppose if it looked like it would do some good.
Socialist atheist ADHD autistic Libran.
There isn’t a policy yet devised that Dutton and the jackboot brigade wouldn’t oppose if it looked like it would do some good.
Spoken only like someone who didn’t view the video.
Seriously? I think it’s about as funny as cancer. Different strokes I guess …
Depressing, isn’t it. Imagine using your nation’s natural resources for the betterment of your citizens and not so vile fucks can make comments about the jealous poor.
The central issue is control. I’m happy to use EFTPOS but would definitely not want to see cash disappear as it’s not something governments can easily track and/or move.
Live semi-rural south coast NSW - soon as the mercury dips below 20º the smoke starts rising from the chimneys.
They argued they used it for entertaining potential clients. (I know, right!)
I’m on the fence about it. I was part of the Digg migration and made it into the Eternity Club. I’ve supported the black-out and will continue to do so, but I have a soft-spot for the site and even if I’m not active on there for the time-being, I won’t be deleting my account. My ‘on the shitter’ site switched from Reddit to TikTok a couple of years ago, so I won’t miss that, but there is a vast amount of pornography on the site that is neatly contained and easily filtered that will be hard to replace.
I used to work for Surf Life Saving Australia and had to fight really hard to get two WFH days a week. This despite the fact that I was in IT supporting volunteers via an online ticketing system.
We had a meeting with our new accountants recently and she was saying that she had a client who was a builder who tried to claim his new spa pool.
You can guarantee it will. In fact I was amazed not to find exactly that kind of response here already.
Oh no! Anyway …