peppersky [he/him, any]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • the flashcarts for the nintendo ds were the fucking shit, 200+ games on one cart and tons of homebrew to fuck around with. i had an mp3 player app that i used like a total dork looked like an ipod with the track information being on the top screen and an actual touch wheel on the lower screen. don’t really see the reason for these things existing nowadays considering you can just buy an old switch and softmod it, but i guess if people can sell something they will

  • love the part where


    it turns out that the big rockstar anti-corporate terrorist didn’t actually have any convictions that might make him anti-corporate, but instead was only driven by revenge or the part where a conscript of a corporate army tells you how great the corporation he “works” for is since they “saved” him from life in the slums and how he now has loyalty and a purpose - serving that company - your character has absolutely no comeback at all to that

    this game sucks fundamentally on so many different levels its unbelievable.

  • Software emulators: are free, run on everything from your PC, phone, your old PSP and probably twenty other things you have in your room right now, putting new life into old otherwise useless hardware FGPA: one-purpose landfill trash that consoomers buy because they can’t imagine investing time in something that doesn’t involve spending large amounts of money, getting dumb plastic shit to fill up your home

  • I don’t know how to talk to people I don’t know and people just most of the times don’t seem to be interested in forming any sort of actual bond (which has kept my friend circle terribly small since I’ve moved two years ago) and all the leftist organizations around are just really not particularly inviting (they are nice and open but there’s always some stench of the scene to them), but here’s some good news: There’s some student organizing that seems to be brewing at my university with more than one genuinely spontaneous action against the university leadership (and the continuous police presence on campus) in the last two weeks that I’ve been part of. We’ll see if more develops from that (the Christmas break sure has put a damper onto things) but I’m in good spirits, people do really seem to have some energy for once and I sure hope to find a place for me within there somehow. There’s a resurgence of politically organized house squatting in my city as well, which in a city where the rent prices are absolutely ridiculous is great to see.

  • People are going to say Tetris, but they are wrong. There are hundreds of variations of Tetris all with different mechanics and gameplay elements, from the way the pieces move, to the way the next random piece is selected, most people just don’t notice them. I’d recommend anybody who likes Tetris to play a round of Tetris Grandmaster 2 Plus and you’ll see that the “standard” Tetris we get copyrighted from the Tetris Company is far from perfect. TGM really just feels fantastic and after playing it it genuinely feels hard to go back.

    Two games I’d consider as-close-to-perfect as you can get are Outrun 2006 and F-Zero GX. Outrun 2006 is just perfect arcade fun, drifting at 200mph through those extremely varied environments with those cheesy vocal tracks is a complete blast (the minigame mode adds great variety as well).

    F-Zero GX is just mechanically incredible, with the manual boost, boost pads and your cars energy providing a perfect risk-to-reward system with incredible tracks that feel perfectly designed to take advantage of the mechanics and all feel different. Then there’s the games infamously high difficulty which turns every race into a High-Speed-high-adrenaline-rush. Not to mention the fantastic music, the story mode with really characterful cutscenes and and the dozens upon dozens of unlockables. I don’t think there has ever been another racer that feels als fully featured as F-Zero GX, it truly feels like a swan song for the series, it’s as perfect as games get.

  • now why should a cheap-ass remaster of a decade old game which did literally nothing else other than improve its graphics get more love than elden ring? demon souls remake sucks fucking balls. every single creative decision in that game was the least inspired one: doing a “demon souls but its got dem PS5 grafix” is just completely antithetical to what the game actually is: a failed attempt at making the next oblivion that only by sheer miracle and talent got turned into an asset flip with a vision so distinct and new during the seventh generation it inspired dozens upon dozens of copycats. the fact that the game was 80% grey and brown and so much of it looked indistinct and blurry is part of its charm and what separates it from the souls games that came after it. just putting tons of banners everywhere, turning up the ornateness of everything and adding tons of details where none were neccessary is the least interesting thing one could do to its graphics. it just did not in any way lean into what made demon souls demon souls at all. Just compare the intro of the original to the intro of the remake and tell me the remake isn’t completely missing all of the style of the original. and that is not even getting into the music, which suffers from everything the graphics suffer from: taking the least inspired choice possible at every step of the way: the original soundtrack being for the most part very obviously cheap midi orchestra libraries is something someone with respect for the original would lean into: skip all the fucking choral bullshit, use the most expensive and full sounding sample libraries you can get, do nothing to humanize it and drown it in strange and unnatural reverb, mix it in 7.1, don’t overcompress it to hell and back and you can still make it hi-fi as fuck. I really really think it’s a giant fucking shame that this is the version that is going to be carried forward, since its creators clearly have not a single artistic bone in their body (as they’ve proven with every project that included more than just uprezzing the original games artwork).

    The demon souls remake is proof that you can make AI slop without using AI.