nasezero [comrade/them]

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023


  • Some other angles to come at:

    • Remind him that when we’re talking about the “1%”, we’re talking about people with this much money. And explain that even people with far less can still maintain their capital if they invest it in a business or rental properties. For every person who loses their inheritance or lottery winnings, there’s many multiple other dipshit landlords and small business owners that manage to survive, not through any sort of special skill or competence, but merely through the means of owning capital. Which they either inherited and/or built through exploiting others. (See: surplus labor)

    • Make him watch Wyatt Ingram Koch draw preschool-level shirt designs while drinking champagne on yachts. If he still believes in a meritocracy after this, just bully him relentlessly for thinking Wyatt Koch is more deserving of his money than literally any random person on the street.

  • You really need to start from square one, because this dude is misunderstanding the most basics of material reality.

    The 1% don’t make money through their own hard work, they make it through other people’s hard work. Value is created by labor, and the only people performing that labor are the workers, not corporate executives like CEOs and other suits. All the “profits” going to executives and shareholders are therefore value stolen from the workers.

    Some of this might be hard to get through depending on how young and naive they are. I’ve worked both manual labor jobs, and jobs where I’ve interacted with administrative/executive types daily, so I’ve got firsthand experience with how much the latter are worthless dipshits and ghouls. Rejecting capitalism is easy when you actually see how the sausage is made from start to finish. But if this dude’s experience is limited to watching the west wing or whatever while they work a cushy desk job, then they’re probably going to base their ideology off of the typical “unskilled labor” propaganda that permeates western society.

    If he’s open to it, get him to watch some labor theory of value 101 videos. Here’s a decent one. But, if he really believes in his heart that people like Bezos are somehow “more deserving” of their wealth than Amazon delivery drivers who are working so intensely that they have to piss in bottles, then I don’t think it’s worth your energy trying to convince him of basic humanity. Personally, I would just bully such a person until they feel enough shame to do some introspection, or avoid me so I don’t have to deal with their bullshit. (I’m going to be honest, anyone who says “us humans are not equal, we don’t deserve what we have” is not worth your energy imo, but good luck anyways if you consider them enough of a friend to try and deprogram them.)

  • I’ve been here for 3 years, since the migration from the subreddit. Yes, this is a new account; I created it because my og account was an edgy reference to the 2020 US primary that I felt didn’t age as well as the thing it was referencing became more and more dated. I said as much and linked said account when registering this new account, the mods approved the registration of this account, so shrug-outta-hecks I no longer use that account, and certainly not to pull a Unidan or w/e.

    Yes, I am highly invested because I immediately recognized you posting the same ragebait videos that incels spam at her on the hellsite that is Twitter, and it really fucking stung to see that same thing happen here from a supposed leftist.

    I am begging you to do some introspection on why you are the one doing harm here and owe an apology. I don’t even necessarily disagree that streaming can absolutely be parasocial and alienating! But, I promise you that the mods aren’t deleting your comments out of some defense of the merits of streaming: it’s because your comments were personally offensive to a fellow community member, including posting a harmful video that you have yet to apologize for. Ironically, you are exhibiting the very kind of anti-social behavior you are claiming streaming facilitates! stalin-stressed

  • Again my opinion, but please don’t advertise your twitch stream here, I dont want that here. This is my safe space. I find platforming leftist views with a profit motive incredibly sus.

    The only thing sus is here you posting the same tired hit pieces that follow her any time she tries to speak up and share her content. Why are you sharing a video from a chud channel called “SlickShotGames” who’s latest video is whining about CoD removing Nick Merc’s skin and defending his anti-LGBT views? Get that reactionary nonsense out of here - seriously, you need to delete your comments, you’re just furthering the harassment these chuds commit by uncritically sharing their bad faith videos.

    Kira, and other communist streamers, put out great content and analysis that many of us appreciate. If streaming isn’t for you, that’s fine, but don’t take upon yourself to be the sole arbiter of what kind of content we should or shouldn’t allow here, and then try to chase fellow comrades out of here.