also doing lots of treason.
also doing lots of treason.
also super rapey!
it’s slightly curved, because earth is not flat, and is constantly spinning. also there might be weather/air current concerns that would save time/fuel. this is like the first thing you learn drinking on the other side of a bar from someone who has ever interacted with the ‘actually doing things’ side of any aircraft.
plus security concerns. lots of shady crap in california they don’t want just anyone looking at from above.
explain in detail
please do.
no, this is SF to LA. It was the estrogen in the water that turned the flight path gay.
into? probably. helped by? probably larger.
and it’s altadena, which was recently the hub of some pretty big mutual aid efforts, so there’s a chance some of that might actually happen!
if you’re poor when you get the money, you still get taxed for being poor, and the sin of class mobility. only money made AFTER you get rich is safe.
something something organic chemistry something something properties of silica?
if you do basically any fighting, so much as throwing a rock or spraying paint, you’re in ‘fugitive for life’ or ‘make sure nobody ever finds out it was you’ territory. there’s only like two levels of escalation higher than that, and you need to blow up a bunch of shit+be muslim, or nonviolently unite diverse groups to common communal goals, assuming you want to reach those.
also, please send very well armed help. if you don’t liberate us, america will start invading soon. first it will probably be canada or greenland, but that shit won’t STOP at any point.
why is it crazy? what benefit do you see from ‘prosperity’? how much of each of those tourist dollars goes to you? if you don’t have any investment in the system thriving, what reason do you have to not bleed it every chance you get? what of their policies actually provides benefit to you, and how much effort do they demand for what they offer? ask this of your employers, your governments, and every aspect of your society, if you want a world that works for you.
you could also consider creating a militant (as in, try to get some artillery) tenant’s union and reclaim your living space from your landlords.
punish the fucking pigs anyway.
yeah, letting libs read any theory, even something as mild as foucault, was a fucking mistake.
maybe you should get on fucking board then. why didn’t you vote for delacruz? she would have been electable if you had voted for her. maybe you should do some penance, in the form of joining your local DSA chapter or starting a mutual aid group?
wait, are you telling me the liberals weren’t steadfast absolute allies? that they didn’t really believe in helping us, or anything else, ever?
mood. but what about making sure you aren’t the most racist man alive? how do you know? how can a system have full knowledge of itself? how does the observer observe, in this case, himself? what even IS knowledge?
fun fact: hitler said that you should read not to learn what the author intended, but to confirm what you would like to believe, only ever seeking evidence to confirm views you already hold.
yeah, it turns out the hyper-breeder anchor baby southern hemisphere first-language-not-english with a dumb incomprehensible accent immigrant who takes your job and destroys the country is in fact a real guy. and as usual, it’s the fucker who was shouting this fascist garbage the loudest.