nu skjønner æ. Æ tok feil da æ flytta hit. Kor mye e en hybel på svalbard? Altså, SP har ikkje drept alle ulvan så æ må jo lære mæ å skyte uansett, og da burde æ bo en plass der det e ordentlig behov for mine nylærte skytingsskills.
De sa «Du burde flytte sørover». De sa «Det er varmere og mildere der», ja vel nu e æ faen mæ fanga på denne forbanna togstasjonen! Fette faen i helvette æ burde ha flytta til føkkings gran canaria eller nokka.
– some nordlending whose tired of the cold, probably.
Uhhh yeah id like some materialism with a side of dialectics. But no Marx! If its Marx or his dialectical materialism, i send it back!
Since no ones mentioned it yet, Super Tux Kart should work. Its available cross platform, and you can host LAN games if Im remembering right, and it should be fun for 30 minutes of pick up play.
I really liked The Wandering Village, which I think is from this last year. It didnt do anything particularly wow but i lost so many hours to it, its just really fun and sweet.
The major already bluffed about the number of photon torpedos when they rushed to claim the wormhole, whose to say Sisko isnt lying like the major?