i feel like it’s more a diagnosis of last resort than something to jump to first off, especially if it doesn’t really line up with your usage, but I’m not sure what else it could be if the doctors don’t think those meds/combination of meds would cause nausea.
I’m on 6mg estradiol daily, 100spiro for 2 years, and new progesterone, with no nausea. Never been on the other stuff you mentioned tho
Hey, if hips are something you want, you need to start HRT as soon as possible. Once your bones are set they don’t really change, only fat distribution (which does help, as well as the workout tips mentioned by the other commentator.
It’s been my experience (at 30) that estrogen doesn’t change my body, only the directions it follows when I work to change it, so I very heavily concur with the workout advice!