Let me guess it ate luggage?
Let me guess it ate luggage?
Downvotes here are hilarious. What are you downvoting? The fact Trump is a Putin puppet or the fact that the CIA/NSA let him become President twice? Pray tell.
The CIA/NSA let a Putin puppet become President, twice.
“It’s incredibly conservative, but it’s trying to reframe it as being this empowering strategy.”
It’s just a play on the charity CEO scam.
No it’s different. The sold them, agreed to lease them back, failed to pay the lease and then left someone else holding the bag.
That makes no sense. How can an entity own the hospital, sell the land and then charge the hospital it owns rent?
Here’s what really happened. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/06/hospital-debacle-private-equity-cerberus-steward
Still shit? Abso-fucking-lutely! But it’s actually real and makes sense.
PR bullshit. It’s not a new rule, he did this to get people to pay attention to some other tournament that no-one would have given a shit about otherwise.
Luigi’s in Minecraft?
No you misunderstand. I mean like in Super Mario Kart when Luigi is in the lead and you’re like “that’s so annoying “ so you pull the move that makes him spin out and you get to take over as leader.
I’m going to nitpick here. The main reference for this Yahoo/daily Beast article is OP. That’s not corroborating.
Fuck I sick of hearing about this cunt. Can’t someone Luigi him already.
Possibly because instead of people being shocked they are like: finally!
So like all television shows with URST once the ST is R’d people stop caring
Corporate cronyism is fast tracking Project 2025 as they all bend the knee.
Who exactly is terrified here?
I only watched the Sun Day short but I’ll go out on a limb and say no-one is taking being creative away from people. Even if they can fine tune things to fix all the inconsistencies, at best you’re going to get the equivalent of a Lifetime Xmas movie. It’s not intelligence it’s a complex statistical model.
That’s timely I was looking for a peertube ios app just the other day.
Lemmy is the person way in the background with their hands in their pocket
Yeah when it’s the minister “warning” everyone, you know they are just trying to get the public offside with the union.
Yeah he would have donated more.